Parents, you are Inflatable Tunnel the author in your child' life. You ar ultim respons for your child' growth and development. It is imper to realiz that no child need ever be left to struggl with the effect of Dyslexia, ADD or ani other sensory-bas process disorder-that no child or adult need be marginalized, ostrac or suffer through endless hour of inappropri teach or tutor method simpli becaus thei ar different.
Whatev you child' struggl or difficulty, be it with ADD, Dyslexia, Autism, Asperger' Syndrom or other sensori process disorder, you can take posit step to help him make the most of hi natur gift and rediscov the joi of learning--to not onli surviv in the world, but thrive in it.
For that reason, everi child and adult who struggl with learn should be evalu for hi abil as well as hi challenges. It is import to help each child make the most of hi or her natur abilities--to help each child understand and appreci the uniqu talent and gift that he or she bring to the world. The follow ar 10 step that everi parent can take to help insur their child' success in school and in life.
1 Understand Your Child' Learn Style and Learn Strategi : Children ar learn machines. Thei ar neurolog "wire up" to learn so if thei ar not learn effectively, someth must be interf with that natur process. In mani cases, children can experi learn challeng becaus a child' learn "strategy" is not effect for learn or process a particular type of information. For example, a child mai have learn strategi that ar veri effect for art or music, but not for math, spell or science.
In other cases, there mai be a fundament differ between the prefer learn style of the child and the basic approach to learn be us by the teacher or the school system in general. Mani intellig and ultim success peopl struggl with learn in the context of our current educ paradigm.
2 Utiliz Effectiv Learn Strategies: While our prefer learn style is determin larg by genetics, our variou learn strategi ar larg develop between the ag of 2 to 6. These import strategi ar our tool for storing, process and recal variou type of information.
The good new for parent is that becaus these strategi are, themselves, learn as oppos to be "hard-wired" , thei ar rel easi to chang with appropri coaching. The Neuro-Linguist Learn Center special in help children, teen and adult acquir power learn strategies.
3 Proper Nutrition: Children' bodi ar constantli growing. Their mind as well as their bodi requir adequ nutrition. Mani good book have been written about diet and nutrit so we will not attempt to repeat that inform here. Our goal here is to encourag parent to serious consid the impact of diet and nutrit on learning.
4 Adequat Sleep: The old adage, "Earli to bed..." mai sound trite, but it is sound wisdom. It mai be surpris to know that when we sleep mai be just as import as how long we sleep. It turn out that not all sleep is equal. The hour between 9:00 PM and Midnight ar particularli import to the learn process.
5 Regular Exercise: A sound bodi goe hand-in-hand with a sound mind. ADHD children, in particular, need regular, exercise. Intense, individu sport or activ seem to offer the best result for thi group. Wrestling, Soccer, Cheerleader, Martial Arts, etc., ar often good choices.
6 Rhythm and Routine: Our mind and our bodi respond to routine. Children, especially, need routin to facilit a high level of performance. A predict routin can encourag cooper and facilit transit from on activ to the next. Sever simpl but import routin for school-ag children ar wake up get readi for school routine, bed time routine, and homework routine.
Rhythm is analog to breathing. We breath in and we breath out. A rhythm of activ breath out time follow by quiet breath in time can facilit concentr and focu while minim fatigue, restless and boredom.
\ 7 Parent Modeling: At a larg famili gather I onc observ that about 80% of the behavior for which children were disciplin wa imit their parents. Children are, liter "wired" to imit their parents-their behavior, their interest and their values. If you, as a parent, valu education, you must convei that valu to your children, not onli with your word but with your actions.
8 Limit Media Exposure: Thi can be a difficult balanc act for mani families, howev on of the most import thing parent can do for their children is limit their exposur to media. Thi includ TV, movies, the internet, ipods, video games, etc.
A ll too often young children ar loos their imagin and sens of wonder to televis and movies. Thi can greatli interfer with their abil to read and focu in the classroom.
Mani movi ar simpli expos children to inappropri concept when they'r too young to understand. Thi caus confus and misunderstanding.
Excessiv plai of video game will often lead to an inabl to pai attent in the classroom. For mani children, the intens of mani video game significantli increas their stress level.
In general, excess media exposur can caus a child to dissoci from hi own life. Thei begin to reject what is real in favor of a fantasy.
9 Reduc Stress and Anxiety: Stress is the enemi of effect learning. Whenev we ar physic or emotion stressed, our sympathet nervou system is activ and our mind goe into it "Fight or Flight" mode. In thi mode, mani children will find learn to be extrem difficult.
For mani children, stress can make it difficult to effect store information. Their mind ar simpli too engag in the process of resolv the fight or flight situation. If the new inform to be learn is not deem to be relat to the caus of the stress, the inform mai simpli be discard by the mind.
Stress can also make it difficult to recal information. A common exampl of thi is "test anxiety". Again, the mind is too engag in the process of resolv a real or perceiv threat and even inform that ha been studi is unabl to be recalled.
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